Jan 17, 2011
I was in my basement with my husband. We are standing in the room where the breaker box is, we want to shut the power to the playroom (this is my baby's room now). There are tags indicating which switch goes to what room, I see one clearly marked "playroom" but instead of my husband switching that one off, he switches 4 of them at the same time, right underneath the switch marked playroom. He asked me to go upstairs to check if the lights were off in the playroom, I knew it wouldn't have been, but i didn't argue and headed up the stairs. As I go up, I see a German Shephard in my house, I am scared and I wonder how I am going to remove him. He wants to play and go further into the house, so i decided to sit on him slightly as to tame him and control him a bit. After a while I am able to grab him by the collar and take him out. I quickly shut the door, I then investigate and checked my other doors so he won't come in a different way. I go to my front door, and the wind is opening and closing my glass door. I see a big sheep dog and another dog on my porch trying to come in. I grabbed the doorknob and closed the door shut quickly, it was difficult since it was so windy. I turned around and there was a black Lab licking my hand, I recognize him but now I have to get him out through another door. I go to the previous door, and the German Shephard is still there waiting to come in. That's when my husband comes up to say, "Hey, what about the lights", I explain what happened and the I woke up.
End of Dream
Synchronicity 1: A few days after I had this dream, I was walking with my girls and we saw a black Lab coming towards us, had no collar or tags, a little scary but we soon found out he was friendly, my daughter remembered a neighbor getting a new dog, and so we took the dog to that neighbor and sure enough it was theres.
Synchronicity 2: Neighbors behind us never had a dog and all of a sudden they have a German Shephard in their backyard, I wonder if there daughter has been home for the holidays and it's hers.
Interpretation or Insights...
After i wrote these synchronicities, I realize the words "collar and tags" which reminds me of the dream where the switches had tags (i think of identity) the dog in real life had no tags yet my daughter knew where it belonged. Clearly the dogs in my dream didn't know where they belonged, i felt like they were trying to invade my space, like they were coming in without permission, clearly crossing a boundary. But they just want to play???? Is someone trying to shut off the power to my playroom??? Am I not allowing myself to play??? What are the different types of dogs trying to tell me??? It is interesting that one is a German "Shephard" and the other a "sheep" dog, and I felt like i was herding the dogs away from the inside of my house. 4 dogs and 4 switches. When someone else is in control of my "power" I no longer can control what comes into my space, my living space.
Insights are welcomed. Start with " If this were my dream..." and keep it in first person as if you are experiencing the dream for yourself.... refrain from saying "you"
example... If this were my dream i'd wonder why I didn't speak up when my husband asked me to go upstairs and I knew that he shut off the wrong lights, also for me dogs may mean a man's best friend, loyalty, playfulness. So I'd wonder why are these loyal pets (which aren't mine) trying to come in? I wonder if the dogs are the playful parts of me that want to be recognized and allowed back in?
Also pulled a tarot card, "The Lover's" here is an image.
If this dream reminds you of a dream you have had, please feel free to post your dream and we can explore it together.
If this were my dream, I feel like I'm playing a role, "The best supporting wife". I know my husband is clearly choosing the wrong switch and I allow him to do so. If I tell him he's choosing wrong, am I taking away his identity? Will he feel less then a man? After all my husband is supposed to know how to fix everything in the house. The dogs also reminds me of the phrase "A Man's best friend." Another "tag" sort of speak. There's a part of myself I keep trying to lock out but the wind (nature) makes it difficult for me to do so. I need to allow nature to take it's course. I am clearly "tagged" as a wife. This "tag" does not identify who I truely am. I need to remind myself it's okay to play. I need to allow the door to stay open, so I can enjoy the fresh air.
ReplyDeleteThe synchronicities are natures subtle reminders to be playful. I need run and feel the thrill of going after something I want. (Pant) Breath in the fresh air nature has provided for me. I'll (Bark) Sing until my heart is content. (Wag my tail) Dance until my stress is released. Finally, I'll sleep all my worries away. All the roles I play would not be their best if it weren't for me.
ReplyDeleteWow, Mrs. Hernandez!!! Thank you for sharing your insight, wow i see this dream in a whole new way. I knew the tags meant something. I loved when you said, "I need to allow nature to take it's course". I also resonated with "All the roles I 'play'". I love the way you broke down what dogs do, and how i can live my life in such a fun, playful and simple way. Ah so refreshing!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!
Love G
I had also pulled out a tarot card after I had this dream, I pulled "The Lovers", which is a beautiful card where a man and a woman stand together, naked, with there own truth, out in the open, there is an angel above them blessing this union. I see this as two parts of me needing to be united. The way this may relate to the dream is ... Maybe i need to unite and balance that part of me that needs to control (the dog from going in any further) with the part of me that wants to play. Responsible vs. Carefree. Having a little bit of both equally can make for a happy life. Also, i realize that it is 4(switches,dogs) to 1(playroom, me), if i can play a little more, then i can balance it and make it 2 to 2. So in reality, I am almost there.
ReplyDeleteAffirmation: I coose to play a little more and release some control in order to live a more balanced and full life.
I love the lovers card, it's so fitting!